Friday, April 3, 2009

Something for my Shabby Friend...

I think she's already checked in for the it's probably safe to post this now. Hee hee. I hope she likes it. She has inspired me so much with her blog the Shabby Old Potting Shed and her crafty blog Shabby Secret Garden.

Although I have never met her face to face...I feel like we are kindred spirits!

So, Lea, I hope you like it. I hope it makes you realize that someone in California is thinking of you and praying for you!

Have a great weekend to all my bloggy friends!!
I'd love to hear from you if you stop by here!


  1.! I know that sweet soul and she will positively ADORE that sweet gift. It is so "her!" Couldn't agree with you more...she is an incredible inspiration! What a great surprise!

    Hope you have a great weekend as well! = )

  2. This is absolutely gorgeous, I love the colors and design of this.

  3. Gorgeous altered tin/box. It really has got a lovely nostalgic feel to it. Sure your friend is going to treasure it. Thanks for taking part in Doing Life's blog candy. Hugs from Desire

  4. I positively LOVE my little mailbox! If it's okay I'd love to put it on over at the potting shed too! Everytime I see it I SMILE and THANK GOD FOR YOU! MAY HE BLESS YOU RICHLY!
    TALENTED! AND YOU USE talents Abba Father gives you to BLESS OTHERS.... LIKE ME!!!!
    Love ya Sherry!
    You're the best!
