Friday, May 8, 2009

Thanks to Feeling Scrappy!

Just wanted to say "Thank you!" to Jayne and everybody else over at Feeling Scrappy. My name was drawn during their blog party and I won some beautiful rub-ons. LOVE me some rub-ons. I am looking forward to some play time real soon. I promise to share what I come up with!!
I also got another package on the same day, but I am not quite ready to post about it all just yet. I've included a picture, just to entice you to come back and read more about it. Hahaha!
I will say that this package has really helped me with a post over on my It's Just Me...and My Coffee blog. The person that sent this boat load of blessings is a friend that I've never met in person. She and I have discovered that we just might be Kindred Spirits!
Anyway, here is a peek. Come back soon to read all about it.


  1. So glad you got everything! Looking forward to seeing what you create! :)

  2. Congratulations and enjoy your scrapping!

    Happy Mother's Day!

  3. Now THOSE are some coolbeans rubons. Whatchya gonna make?!

    I got an Anna Griffin punch today... the one of the butterfly, and can't wait to go try a card with it.

    But before anything gets done at all, I need to find my table. I'm pretty sure it's under all the stuff that's sittin on it. lol
